Video window mode 1,4,6,8,9,16,36,64,100 appearance, For example
Video window scroll function, For example
Video footage showed mode: 1 - full screen display, 2-4:3 display, 3-16:9 display
Video clarity select:
Good real-time: ensure the real-time video
Fluency: ensure the smoothness of video
Voice closed and open
Open video:
Start video: start the current focus the default video window (the window one last time broadcast video channels) open all video: start all the default video of the window
Stop the video:
Stop video: the current focus the video of the window
Stop all the video: all the video window
Clear data: remove the current focus the video memory channel information of the window
Clear all data: remove all the video memory channel information of the window
3、Video automatically shut down
Avoid traffic waste caused by video open and forget to turn off the window, for this client to provide "automatically shut off video" the function of the configuration.A. first click on the "other", then click on the "system Settings"B. in the menu bar, click on the "system Settings" in "Settings", open the "system Settings" window, as shown in figure:
4、Video polling
a, click "polling list", and click on the right, the blank space below grouping "configuration"Click on the "group configuration",
b, grouping "configuration" form, the following figure
C, click "add group", enter the name of the group
d、Selected to polling devices, click
,Add, after the completion of the diagram below
e、Selected node or select a particular channel, drag it to the video playback window, began to round of play