
Water conservancy technology service platform vehicle GPS monitoring system

Recently, our province water conservancy technical service vehicle GPS installation, debugging, and water conservancy technology service platform vehicle GPS monitoring system in operation.

In 2014, the province province provincial water resources bureau in 13 cities, 58 counties (city, area) of 888 units of water conservancy technical service vehicles installed GPS devices, and platform for the monitoring system for the comprehensive debugging, is now in operation.GPS monitoring platform operation, provincial, city and county level 3 vehicle management through real-time positioning, track playback, out alarm, the alarm, car terminal, overspeed alarm abnormal alarm, statistical reports, and other functions, the use of technical service vehicle condition monitoring.

Next, will organize various cities province provincial water resources bureau, county (city, area) improve vehicle management files, the implementation of the vehicle management responsibility, found the problem firmly to correct, car against illegal behavior, find out together, together.

Water conservancy technology service vehicle GPS monitoring at the same time, the situation will be fully into the villages and towns ShuiLiZhan performance appraisal, further strengthen the management of the vehicles, let technology service vehicles can really play a role in water service.